Placement of Trampoline Platysmaplasty, Greg Mueller
The Modern Facelift: Short Scar, Short Stay, Safe
TWS0029 Pain in the NECK! The neck lift is a difficult procedure which is often the first part of an extended facelift to fail. In the world of movie stars and business executives that is Los Angeles, being a Facial Plastic Surgeon can be a demanding place to practice.
Dr Greg Mueller MD is a leading innovator in plastic surgery. Not content with the practices of the 1990's, he spent time and his own money to develop a non-invasive surgical platysmaplasty that combines neck suspension, correction to platysmal bands and a jawline trampoline suspension technique, which are usually carried out as an open neck lift.
Movie stars don't want a visible scar just below the chin (there are only so many people that have actually fallen off a bicycle!), therefore in this excellent 3-camera live surgical video, Dr Mueller shows how the ICLED works.
This facial undermining suturing technique, shows how to thread a suture safely, by means of a fibre-optically lit Suturod, to redrape the skin, and support and close the "spaces" that are created by ageing, with only small puncture sites and NO open skin excision. This is a must see video, not least to see what is possible in today's plastic surgery hot spots.
Up Next in The Modern Facelift: Short Scar, Short Stay, Safe
Flicklift Flap
How do you compete with the non-surgical practice that offers "lunch-break" facelift at the local beauty parlor?
The development of Facelift techniques has seen a shift from large surgical undermining and raising of large mid-face and neck flaps, to more simple and less invasive procedures, th...
Vector Mini-Facelifting, James Frame
TWS0027 A unique perspective on the development of facelifts. The twentieth century saw some of the most dramatic technological changes to society - the birth of the internet, the mobile phone with increasingly advanced cameras - all leading to the "selfie" culture and to a new narcissism where f...
The Future of Facial Reconstruction, ...
TWS0035 “What are the roles of surgeons today, and who is qualified to conduct cosmetic and aesthetic surgery?” These are among the questions asked in this inspirational, uplifting – and very challenging – webinar from Prof Burd.
The webinar is also a very personal and thought-provoking journe...